terça-feira, 4 de julho de 2017

VÊNUS - Se Vale Soñar - Animation aus Lateinamerika - Berlin

ANIMASIVO-Contemporary Animation Festival (Mexico City) arrives in Berlin and invites you to a very special night: a panorama of short films from Latin America in collaboration with KINO.
After the screening artist Edna Martínez will make us dance with her amazing music selection.
The night is dedicated to exploring the images and sounds produced in the region. From more poetic and abstract films to documentaries, this selection shows an approach to independent film production.
Rhythms, shapes, figures and characters from the other side of the Atlantic to think about the world we live in by using moving images.
We invite you to enjoy this selection of fantastic shamans-animators. A contemporary tale made of pixels and found materials.

ARTISTAS: Tania DLa de León (mx), Camilla Uboldi (ita-mx), Carlos Gomez Salamanca (col), Simon Wilches (col), Santiago "bou" Grasso y Patricio Plaza Plaza (arg), Cristobal León y Joaquin Cociña (Chile), Camillo Colmenares (Col), Carolina Corral (mx), Josué Vásquez Peralta y Benjamín Mugía (mx), Savio Leite Leite (brasil), Caracrimen (mx)

segunda-feira, 3 de julho de 2017


pan & circus

experimental videos / concerts / vegan food

dritte Edition
25.04, Dienstag, ab 18 Uhr

_ Konzerte mit Glorias Navales (folk, experimental aus Chile)
und Lolita Terrorist Sounds (experimental, tribal aus Berlin)

_ Reprise Animations von Sávio Leite und Videos + Installation von Felipe Frozza und Rike Flämig

videos ab 20 Uhr // Konzerte ab 21 Uhr

@ Galerie ZeitZone
Adalbertstrasse 79, Berlin (ecke Waldemarstr.)
(U8 Kottbusser Tor)

‚Pan & Circus‘ ist ein alter Ausdruck, der die Geschichte von Politik und Kultur geprägt hat. Aber hier ist auch das Treffen zwischen veganes Essen und unabhängige und kulturelle Veranstaltungen.

Die dritte Edition bringt die Reprise von Kurzfilme der brasilianische Filmmaker Sávio Leite, der eine Animation in der Berlinale 2017 präsentiert hat. Auch projektieren wir zwei videos und eine Video Installation der brasilianische Filmmaker Felipe Frozza, in Kollaboration mit der deutsche Performerin Rike Flämig.

Für dies Pan & Circus haben wir diesmal zwei Konzerte, ein mit der Band Glorias Navales, aus Chile, die einen Tour in Europa erstes Mal macht. Die Chilene Band spielt eine Mischung von chilene folk Musik, psychedelia und experimental.
Und die Nacht beginnt mit Lolita Terrorist Sounds, ein Projekt von Maurizio Vitale. Er macht am 25.04 ein experimental solo set anhand von drumming, live looping und Gesang.

vegan Sandwiches (mit Tofu und Oliven, oder Humus und Salat).
Bio Tee, Bier, Bio Wein.

Schedule third Edition:

Video sessions:
session 1 _ 20 Uhr - reprise videos Felipe Frozza (infos below)
session 2 _ 20:30 & 23 Uhr - reprise videos Sávio Leite (infos below)
_ 21 Uhr _ Lolita Terrorist Sounds (one man band show, Berlin)
_ 22 Uhr _ Glorias Navales (Chile)

GLORIAS NAVALES (GxNx) is a five members ensemble based in Santiago, Chile. The group get together regularly in a private space to jam out a type of late night campfire trance music, bridging the gap aesthetically and stylistically between Chilean folk music (ala Violeta Parra) and ramshackle post-Velvets psychedelia. Their sound – crafted on acoustic guitars, rabel and bombo chino (drum) – have resulted in stunning releases; ‘Carta a Maureen Tucker’ ETCS and ‘Cofradia Nautical’ on Graham Lambkin’s KYE label.
Some members of Glorias Navels come from the experimental band A Full Cosmic Sound and are the heads of the label Yellow Moon Records in Santiago.


LOLITA TERRORIST SOUNDS is the stage name of Maurizio Vitale and very often includes special guests and collaborators. He’ll perform a solo set based on drumming, live looping and singing.
Maurizio Vitale is an Italian-born musician and is active in a number of artistic fields as drummer, music producer, multi-instrumentalist musician, performer, singer and movie actor.
L.T.S. is currently working on a debut album featuring as special guests Kristof Hahn (Swans), NU Unruh (Einstruzende Neubauten), Bob Rutman.


Videos by SÁVIO LEITE:
„Venus – Filó, a fadinha lésbica“ (Venus – Filly the Lesbian Little Fairy, 2017, 6'), presented in the Berlinale 2017 - Panorama;
+ past works:
„Plutão“ (2004, animation, 3’);
„Eu sou o Polvo“ („I am like the octopus“, about Lourenço Mutarelli, 2005, 4’42);
„Mercúrio“ (2007, animation, 4´);
„Terra“ („Earth“, 2008, 5’22, Portuguese, English subtitles);
"Saturno", by Savio Leite and Clécius Rodrigues (2014, animation, 8’34);

Videos and installation by FELIPE FROZZA, brazilian filmmaker in Berlin based, and RIKE FLÄMIG, german choreographer and performer.
_ "Disruptions" (2015, 4’55, DE)‚ "Roadblock" (2016, 5'), "Sumud" (video-installation-2016)

infos about videos:

curated by Yellow Castle – arts & actions